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Overcome Loneliness in 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever felt alone ? Use these 5 simple tricks and come out from the claustrophobia of being alone.

          By Akshaya kaushik

1) Be Independent : We generally have a habit of being with the friends/partner all the time and without them, we feel alone; we tend to ask each and everything with them, even some of us discuss their carrier options as well. 
     And, when there is nobody around us, it seems lonely and devastated. Sometimes, to avoid this loneliness, we try to find someone, who may help us in overcome that feeling and give the keys of our life to such person; which ultimately results into being dependent on another. Doing all the things alone may be pretty hard but it actually works and make you even more independent in taking crucial decisions of your life. And eventually, you will feel proud of yourself. Always Remember-"Don’t rely on anybody, you are master of your life. No one will understand you better than yourself".

2) Make your loneliness your strength, not weakness : Try to figure out the mistakes you have done in the past.
    What happened which made you so helpless. Think the ways by which you can move forward without the feeling of emptiness. Don’t try to take revenge from the persons you left behind. ‘Live and let live ; should be your motto'

You might have the habit of sharing your problems with your partner or friends but trust me once you gather the courage to do it all alone, everything will be in your hands and then no one will hold you back.

 3) Self Development : The very benefit of being alone is; 'it gives you the time for self development'. Work on the skills you have, which you might have misunderstood when you were surrounded with wrong friends/partner. Make yourself busy in doing the things you love the most- 'the highest Priorities of your life'. Set goals and do your best to achieve them. Be more productive in your Alone time: like read more books, try to learn a new language, develop your writing skills, create new business ideas. This will not only help you in your evolution but it also helps you in forgetting the fact that you are alone. There is so much to do in life, spend your precious time in doing that rather than lying on the sofa/bed and wasting the time in clinging your past.

4) Solo Dates : If you had been into a heartbroken/toxic relationship, you probably would have gone through the worst phase of life. Don’t let your past ruin your present and future. Try to see the positive side of it. ‘Life is short and merry one’. Enjoy the time, destiny has set you free by leaving all the past behind. 

     Go on solo dates, I often go on such solo dates where I love spending the ‘ME’ time. Having a good book and coffee that all is needed. You can order something or nothing, just get into your mind palace and feel the peace, you've got now. Here, No one gonna instruct or argue with you. Feel the sense of contentment. Mark these words- “Everything happens for a good reason”.

    5) Make New Connections : If you still want someone in  your life then the last thing you can do is - “make good connections”. Choose your friends wisely. Friends/Partner who betrayed you, were not meant for you. And you should not give the punishment of their bad deeds to the better peoples you interact with. Yes, it may take time to build that trust again but your experience with the past has already made your instinct more strong about any wrong person, who crosses your path. So, don’t overburden yourself with the sentiments of the past friends/partner,  'Get new ones'. Someone wisely said, ‘Sentiment is a chemical defect, Found on the losing side’. Don’t go with quantity, there is quality that matters. Forget, how many number of friends you had in the past. Make a single friend but loyal and faithful one. And, this time don’t hand over the keys of your life to him/her.

   If you suffer from loneliness and you feel sad, don’t be. Loneliness is a special feeling and it teaches you so many things and turn you into totally different person. 

   Good luck, 'All'- and may you overcome with the feeling of loneliness, soon.

   I hope you like this blog, if yes, let me know in the comment section below and share this to those one who wants to overcome loneliness.


   Akshaya Kaushik Adv.


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